In our bootcamp class of IST511, the professors have challenged us with creating posters to potentially be shown at ALA conference, or at least to our own cohorts on Friday! My group had decided to look at the disagreement between librarians about social commons in public libraries. It appears that this has become more socially accepted than previously anticipated. Most of the articles I find are quite in favor. However, I did find one article that shows, given the choice, children (more so boys) will choose not to do educational work in the library. I think we may switch to school libraries- I think that is more controversial than the public libraries. School libraries are still seen to be more traditional learning environment.
We also had the opportunity to hear from a couple of academic librarians today. They were both very interesting and vivacious. Although I do not want to go into academia, I found myself still eager to hear more of their work. Great speakers!
One last thing covered in IST511 today was the search assignments given before semester and yesterday. In this area, I am a slow learner. I do not feel I have come close yet to grasping the search skill. This is a difficult area to learn, as it seems one must really just "play around" in the databases to see what they do. The scientist in me would love a standard operating procedure! But I continue to embrace change!
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